Our Blogs:

  • Math Anxiety: How to Identify it and How to Combat it

    Did you know that math anxiety affects 93% of US Americans?* Considering this, why isn’t math anxiety more openly discussed? Surely being bad at math is joked about, but…

  • AP Exam Strategies You Should Develop At The Beginning of the Year

    If you’ve taken AP classes before, you know the stress that builds as exam week approaches: cramming in strategy videos, completing tons of past AP exams, reviewing concepts, and…

  • What is Math Literature?

    In school, students are taught how the English language works, from understanding letter sounds to memorizing SAT vocabulary words. When a basic foundation of literacy and grammar are established,…

  • The power of a growth mindset and how parents can help foster this

    When I tell people I am a Math tutor, I usually hear, “I don’t think I am a Math person.” Unlike Science or History, people’s identity is defined by…

  • How a tutor can improve your math identity. 

    Believe it or not, everyone older than around 10 years, has a math identity. One’s “math identity” is the way they view themself as a mathematician. “Math is just…

  • AP Calc AB or BC? My experience. 

    While in PreCalc, I enjoyed the course but remember being too intimidated to go directly to AP Calc BC from there.  Many of you may be in this same…